Sunday, August 8, 2021

Gauss Elimination

Here are the M-files to implement naive Gauss Elimination and Gauss Elimination with partial pivoting.

Naive Gauss Elimination M-file

function x = GaussNaive(A,b)
% GaussNaive: naive Gauss elimination
%   x = GaussNaive(A,b): Gauss elimination without pivoting.
% input:
%   A = coefficient matrix
%   b = right hand side vector
% output:
%   x = solution vector
[m,n] = size(A);
% m = no of rows, n = no of columns, size of matrix A is m x n
if m~=n, error('Matrix A must be square'); end
% if m not equal to n, error message is displayed as 'Matrix A must be square'
nb = n+1;
% no of columns for augmented matrix = no of columns of the matrix A + 1 column for the vector B
Aug = [A b];
% Coefficient matrix A and right-hand-side vector b are combined in an augmented matrix
% forward elimination
for k = 1:n-1
    % k represents column 1 to (n-1)th column
  for i = k+1:n
      % i represents row 2 to nth row
    factor = Aug(i,k)/Aug(k,k);
    % to compute the factor in order to obtain the upper triangular matrix
    Aug(i,k:nb) = Aug(i,k:nb)-factor*Aug(k,k:nb);
    % to compute the new equations until transform the matrix into upper triangular form
    % the new ith row kth column elements is equal to the old ith row kth column elements 
    % minus the multiplication of factor and kth row kth column elements 
    % since using augmented matrix, need to use nb (n+1) because of additional 1 column vector b
% back substitution
x = zeros(n,1);
% solution vector x is a matrix of zero coefficients of n x 1 dimension
% n =  no of equations
x(n) = Aug(n,nb)/Aug(n,n);
% to calculate the last unknown x in nth equation
% by dividing the constant b in last equation with the coefficient of x(n)
% formula is same as Eq (9.12) in textbook
for i = n-1:-1:1
    % i represents no of equations (n) minus 1 with increment of -1 until 1
  x(i) = (Aug(i,nb)-Aug(i,i+1:n)*x(i+1:n))/Aug(i,i);
  % to calculate the remaining unknown x's in (n-1)th equation and so on until the first equation
  % formula is same as Eq (9.13) in textbook

Gauss Elimination with Partial Pivoting M-file

function x = GaussPivot(A,b)
% GaussPivot: Gauss elimination pivoting
%   x = GaussPivot(A,b): Gauss elimination with pivoting.
% input:
%   A = coefficient matrix
%   b = right hand side vector
% output:
%   x = solution vector
% m = no of rows, n = no of columns,size of matrix A is m x n 
if m~=n, error('Matrix A must be square'); end
% if m not equal to n, error message will be displayed as 'Matrix A must be square'
% no of columns of augmented matrix = no of columns of matrix A + 1 column of vector b 
Aug=[A b];
% forward elimination
for k = 1:n-1
    % k represents column 1 to (n-1)th column
  % partial pivoting
  % to determine the coefficient with the largest absolute value in the column below the pivot element
  % big = largest element
  % i = index corresponding to the largest element (no of row)
  % new row (with largest element below the pivot element)= old row (with pivot element)+ k - 1
  if ipr~=k
      % if new row doesn't equal to k (row with largest element isn't row 1)
    % to switch the row with largest pivot element to the first row
  for i = k+1:n
      % i represents row 2 to nth row
    % to compute the factor in order to obtain the upper triangular matrix
    % to compute the new equations until transform the matrix into upper triangular form
    % the new ith row kth column elements is equal to the old ith row kth column elements 
    % minus the multiplication of factor and kth row kth column elements 
    % since using augmented matrix, need to use nb (n+1) because of additional 1 column vector b
% back substitution
% solution vector x is a matrix of zero coefficients of n x 1 dimension
% n =  no of equations
% to calculate the last unknown x in nth equation
% by dividing the constant b in last equation with the coefficient of x(n)
% formula is same as Eq (9.12) in textbook
for i = n-1:-1:1
    % i represents no of equations (n) minus 1 with increment of -1 until 1
  % to calculate the remaining unknown x's in (n-1)th equation and so on until the first equation
  % formula is same as Eq (9.13) in textbook

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