Saturday, July 31, 2021

Roots Finding: Open Methods

Problem 6.15.

The Redlich-Kwong equation of state is given by
where R = the universal gas constant [= 0.518 kJ/(kg K)], T = absolute temperature (K), p = absolute pressure (kPa), and v = the volume of a kg of gas (m3/kg). The parameters a and b are calculated by 
where pc = 4600 kPa and Tc = 191 K. As a chemical engineering, you are asked to determine the amount of methane fuel that can be held in a 3-m3 tank at a temperature of -40°C with a pressure of 65000 kPa. Use a root-locating method of your choice to calculate v and then determine the mass of methane contained in the tank.


The parameters and other values can be substituted into Eq.(6.15(a)). *Remember to express T in unit K (T(K) = T(°C) + 273.15)

Therefore, we need to find out v, which is the specific volume (m3/kg) using root-locating method. Because it is relatively complicated, I will store it as an M-file:

function f = redlichkwong(v,P,T)
% v = specific volume (m3/kg)
% P = absolute pressure (kPa)
% T = absolute temperature (K)
R = 0.518; %kJ/kg.K
TC = 191; %K
PC = 4600; %kPa
a = 0.427*(R^2)*(TC^2.5)/(PC);
b = 0.0866*R*TC/PC;
f = P-R*T./(v-b)+a./(v.*(v+b).*sqrt(T));

Before determining the root, it is advisable to plot the function to estimate the initial guesses. 

>> v = linspace(0.002,0.0035);
>> f = redlichkwong(v,65000,233.15);
>> plot(v,f),grid,xlabel('v'),ylabel('f')

Hence, from the graph, we can obtain a rough estimate of the root, which is about 0.0028. We can either choose to use bracketing method or open method to solve the problem. I will recommend to use open method due to quicker convergence. In this case, we can use modified secant method with an initial guess, v0 = 0.002 and perturbation fraction, δ = 0.001.
The above iterative equation can be applied to compute:
Therefore, after seven iterations, the approximate error falls below 0.1% and the root estimate is 0.002808 m3/kg

Mass of methane contained in the tank is:
m = 3 m3/0.002808 m3/kg = 1068.376 kg

Wednesday, July 28, 2021

Roots Finding: Open Methods

Problem 6.14.

In a chemical engineering process, water vapor (H2O) is heated to sufficiently high temperatures that a significant portion of water dissociates, or splits apart, to form oxygen and hydrogen:


If it is assumed that this is the only reaction involved, the mole fraction x of H2O that dissociates can be represented by


where K is the reaction's equilibrium constant and pt is the total pressure of the mixture. If pt = 3 atm and K = 0.05, determine the value of x that satisfies Eq.(6.14(a)).


Firstly, rearrange and substitute the value of pt and K to form a single function in terms of x. 
Therefore, the solution x can be obtained by finding the root of the function. We can use any open-root locating method to solve for x. Before that, we can check the root location by using graphical method. 

Graphical method:
>> x = linspace(0,0.1);
>> fx = x./(1-x).*sqrt(6./(2+x))-0.05;
>> plot(x,fx),grid,xlabel('x'),ylabel('f(x)')
From the graph, the root lies between 0.02 and 0.03. The root estimate is roughly about 0.028

Fixed-point iteration:
Fixed-point iteration can be applied by using an initial guess of x0 = 0.02 and stopping criterion of 0.01%. Thus, rearrange the equation:
Starting with an initial guess of x0 = 0.02, the above iterative equation can be applied to compute:
Hence, after four iterations, the root estimate (x) is 0.02825

We can also use MATLAB fzero function to find the root. 
>> format long
>> fx =@(x) x./(1-x).*sqrt(6./(2+x))-0.05;
>> x = fzero(fx,0.02)

x =


Roots Finding: Open Methods

Problem 6.4.

Determine the lowest positive root of f(x) = 7sin(x)e-x - 1: (a) Graphically. (b) Using the Newton-Raphson method (three iterations, x0 = 0.3). (c) Using the secant method (three iterations, x-1 = 0.5 and x0 = 0.4). (d) Using the modified secant method (five iterations, x0 = 0.3, δ = 0.01).


(a) Plot the graph using MATLAB. The commands are shown as below:
>> x = linspace(-1,2);
>> fx = 7*sin(x).*exp(-x)-1;
>> plot(x,fx),grid,xlabel('x'),ylabel('f(x)')
The graph generated is shown as above. As shown by the graph, there are two roots. The lowest positive root is between 0 and 0.5. By maximizing the graph, the root is estimated as 0.17

(b) Firstly, compute the first derivative of the function. (Recall Product Rule)
which can be substituted along with the original function to give
Starting with the initial guess of x0 = 0.3, the iterative equation can be applied to compute:
Hence, after three iterations, the root estimate is 0.17018 with an approximate error of 0.453%.

(c) The iterative equation using secant method is 
Begin the iteration with x-1 = 0.5 and x0 = 0.4 yields
First iteration:
x-1 = 0.5     f(0.5) = 1.0355
x0 = 0.4      f(0.4) = 0.8272
x1 = 0.0028 

The calculation can be continued to yield
Thus, after three iterations, the root estimate is 0.17899 with an approximate error of 21.9%.

(d) The iterative equation using modified secant method is 
First iteration:
x0 = 0.3                                    f(0.3) = 0.5325
x0 + δx0 = 0.3030                  f(0.3030) = 0.5427
x1 = 0.1437

The calculation can be continued to yield
Hence, after five iterations, the root estimate is 0.17018 with a zero percent approximate relative error.

 Additional: The real root of the equation can be found using fzero function in MATLAB.
>> format long
>> fx =@(x) 7*sin(x).*exp(-x)-1;
>> xr = fzero(fx,0.3)

xr =



In conclusion, the Newton-Raphson method and modified secant method both give comparably accurate result with the true root value. In addition, modified secant method is able to attain the efficiency of Newton-Raphson method without having to compute derivatives. 

Tuesday, July 27, 2021

Roots Finding: Open Methods

Problem 6.2.

Use (a) fixed-point iteration and (b) the Newton-Raphson method to determine a root of f(x) = -0.9x2 + 1.7x + 2.5 using x0 = 5. Perform the computation until εa is less than εs = 0.01%. 


(a) Firstly, rearrange the function so that x is on the left-hand side of the equation (x = g(x)). There are two ways to do so:
To identify which function results in convergence, we should check for the criterion |g'| < 1. For (i), |g'(5)| = 5.29. While for (ii), |g'(5)| = 0.27 < 1, where the error decreases with each iteration. Thus, function (ii) will result in convergence.

Starting with the initial guess of x0 = 5, the iterative equation (ii) can be applied to compute:
Therefore, after 9 iterations, the approximate error is reduced to less than 0.01% and the root estimate is 2.8602

(b) Firstly, compute the first derivative of the function. 
which can be substituted along with the original function to give
Starting with the initial guess of x0 = 5, the iterative equation can be applied to compute:
Hence, after 5 iterations, the approximate error falls below 0.01% and the root estimate is 2.8601


As we can observe, the Newton-Raphson method rapidly converges on the true root. Note that the approximate percent relative error at each iteration decreases much faster than it does in simple fixed-point iteration. However, Newton-Raphson method is not recommended when there are functions whose derivatives are difficult to evaluate. 

Sunday, July 25, 2021

Roots Finding: Bracketing Methods

Problem 5.12.

Water is flowing in a trapezoidal channel at a rate of Q = 20 m3/s. The critical depth y for such a channel must satisfy the equation

   Eq 5.12.(a)

where g = 9.81 m/s2, Ac = the cross sectional area (m2), and B = the width of the channel at the surface (m). For this case, the width and the cross sectional area can be related to the depth y by B = 3 + y and Ac = 3y + y2/2. Solve for the critical depth using the (a) graphical method (b) bisection, and (c) false position. For (b) and (c) use the initial guesses of xl = 0.5 and xu = 2.5, and iterate until the approximate error falls below 1% or the number of iterations exceeds 10. Discuss your result.


Firstly, compute a single function that only depends on y using Eq.5.12(a) by substituting the relation for B and Ac

Therefore, the critical depth y will be the value of y that makes f(y) = 0. 

(a) Plot the graph using MATLAB. The commands are shown as follow.
>> y = linspace(0.1,2.5);
>> fy = 1- (400./(9.81*(3*y+y.^2/2).^3)).*(3+y);
>> plot(y,fy),grid,xlabel('y'),ylabel('f(y)')

The graph generated is shown as above. The rough estimate of the root is about 1.5 m. The validity of the graphical method can be checked by substituting into the function f(y) to yield
>> fy = 1- (400/(9.81*(3*1.5+1.5^2/2)^3))*(3+1.5)

fy =

which is close to zero. 

(b) The root estimate using bisection method is xr = (xl + xu)/2. Begin the iteration with guesses of xl = 0.5 and xu = 2.5.
First iteration:
xl = 0.5                                f(0.5) = -32.2582
xu = 2.5                               f(2.5) = 0.8130
xr = (0.5+2.5)/2 = 1.5     f(1.5) = -0.0309 

f(0.5)f(1.5) = 0.9983 > 0. Therefore, the root lies in the upper interval, and xr becomes the lower limit for the next iteration, xl = 1.5. 

Second iteration:
xl = 1.5                             f(1.5) = -0.0309
xu = 2.5                            f(2.5) = 0.8130
xr = (1.5+2.5)/2 = 2      f(2) = 0.6018 

f(1.5)f(2.5) = -0.0186 < 0. Therefore, the root lies in the lower interval, and xr becomes the upper limit for the next iteration, xu = 2
The approximate relative error is 25%. 

The remainder of the iterations are displayed in the following table. 

Hence, after 8 iterations, the approximate relative error falls below 1% and the computation can be terminated. The critical depth is estimated as 1.50781 m

(c) The root estimate using false position method is xr = xu - f(xu)(xl - xu)/(f(xl) - f(xu)). Begin the iteration with guesses of xl = 0.5 and xu = 2.5.
First iteration:
xl = 0.5                        f(0.5) = -32.2582
xu = 2.5                       f(2.5) = 0.8130
xr = 2.45083             f(2.45083) = 0.7999

f(0.5)f(2.45803) = -25.8025 < 0. Therefore, the root lies in the lower interval, and xr becomes the upper limit for the next iteration, xu = 2.45083

Second iteration:
xl = 0.5                          f(0.5) = -32.2582
xu = 2.45803               f(2.45803) = 0.7999
xr = 2.40363                f(2.40363) = 0.7861

f(0.5)f(2.40363) = -25.3589 < 0. Therefore, the root lies in the lower interval, and xr becomes the upper limit for the next iteration, xu = 2.40363
The approximate relative error is 1.96%. 

The remainder of the iterations are displayed in the following table. 

Hence, the computation is terminated after 10 iterations. The critical depth is estimated as 2.0908 m with an approximate relative error of 1.59%. 


As we can observe, using bisection, the approximate error is reduced to less than 1% after 8 iterations. For false position, the approximate error is still above 1% after 10 iterations. This shows that in this case, bisection is more preferable compared to false position. Insight into these results can be gained by examining the plot of the function. As shown in part(a), the curve violates the premise on which false position was based - that is, if f(xu) is much closer to zero than f(xl), then the root should be much closer to xu than to xl . Because of the shape of the present function, the opposite is true. 

Tips: When the function has significant curvature, false position is not preferable to solve the problem because of its one-sidedness, which leads to poor convergence. 

Saturday, July 24, 2021

Roots Finding: Bracketing Methods

Problem 5.7. 

(a) Determine the roots of f(x) = -12 - 21x + 18x2 - 2.75x3 graphically. In addition determine the first root of the function with (b) bisection and (c) false position. For (b) and (c), use xl = -1 and xu = 0, and a stopping criterion of 1%.


(a) Plot the graph using MATLAB. The commands are shown as below:
>> x = linspace(-1,8);
>> fx = -12-21*x+18*x.^2-2.75*x.^3;
>> plot(x,fx),grid,xlabel('x'),ylabel('f(x)')

The graph generated is shown as above. Since it is a cubic equation, there are 3 roots. By maximizing the graph, the roots are estimated as -0.4135, 2.2 and 4.74

(b) The root estimate using bisection method is xr = (xl + xu)/2. Begin the iteration with guesses of xl = -1 and xu = 0.
First iteration:
xl = -1                              f(-1) = 29.75
xu = 0                               f(0) = -12
xr = (-1+0)/2 = -0.50     f(-0.50) = 3.3438 

f(-1)f(-0.50) = 99.4766 > 0. Therefore, the root lies in the upper interval, and xr becomes the lower limit for the next iteration, xl = -0.50. 

Second iteration:
xl = -0.50                             f(-0.50) = 3.3438
xu = 0                                   f(0) = -12
xr = (-0.50+0)/2 = -0.25    f(-0.25) = -5.5820

f(-0.50)f(-0.25) = -18.66496 < 0. Therefore, the root lies in the lower interval, and xr becomes the upper limit for the next iteration, xu = -0.25
The approximate relative error is 100%. 

The remainder of the iterations are displayed in the following table. 

Hence, after 8 iterations, the approximate error finally falls below 1% and the computation can be terminated. The root estimate is -0.41797

(c) The root estimate using false position method is xr = xu - f(xu)(xl - xu)/(f(xl) - f(xu)). Begin the iteration with guesses of xl = -1 and xu = 0.
First iteration:
xl = -1                        f(-1) = 29.75
xu = 0                        f(0) = -12
xr = -0.2874             f(-0.2874) = -4.4116

f(-1)f(-0.2874) = -131.2731 < 0. Therefore, the root lies in the lower interval, and xr becomes the upper limit for the next iteration, xu = -0.2874

Second iteration:
xl = -1                          f(-1) = 29.75
xu = -0.2874               f(-0.2874) = -4.4116
xr = -0.3795                f(-0.3795) = -1.2878

f(-1)f(-0.3795) = -38.3130 < 0. Therefore, the root lies in the lower interval, and xr becomes the upper limit for the next iteration, xu = -0.3795
The approximate relative error is 24.3%. 

The remainder of the iterations are displayed in the following table. 

Hence, after 5 iterations, the approximate error finally falls below 1% and the computation can be terminated. The root estimate is -0.41402

Friday, July 23, 2021

Good day, everyone! My name is Shu Jia, currently an undergraduate chemical engineering student at Universiti Putra Malaysia. The main purpose of establishing this blog is to share my knowledge on some of the chemical engineering subjects by providing the solutions for example questions. Step-by-step solution will be provided so that you can understand how to solve the question, instead of just knowing the answers. Do subscribe to get the latest updates of solutions! 

*Kind advice: Please try to do the questions on your own before referring to my solutions. The solution is just a guideline, full understanding on the related topic is always the priority to master a subject!

Numerical Integration Formulas

Here are the M-files to implement composite trapezoidal rule for equally spaced data and unequally spaced data.  Composite Trapezoidal Rule ...